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Exhibition of Dampremy ( Belgium) tica and traditionelle
Saturday and Sunday 24/25 in July, 2010



Chareza Liberta of Nobody Perfect  

Finales ticas

Samedi tica

 Thomas Andersen (dk)  2Best kitten

Edouardo Boras (es) 5 best kiten

Irene Van Belzen(nl)  3 best kitten

 Dimanche tica

 M-F Dendauw (F) 8 best kitten

Thomas Andersen (DK) 2 best kitten

Eduardo Borras (ES) 4 best kitten

Irene Van Belzen (NL) 3 best kitten


Traditionelle :dimanche Best in show femelle 3/6 mois Judjed with short hair
Bravo my chip !!!!


Chareza Nirvana of Nobody Perfect

Samedi tica 

Tomoko Vlach (A) 6 best kitten

Eduardo Borras (ES) 7 best kitten 

Traditionelle :samedi Best in show male 3/6 mois jugee avec les poils court.

 Dimanche tica

M-M De Landtsheer (B) 9 best kitten

Tomoko Vlach (A)          2 best kitten

Eduardo Borras (ES)     6 best kitten 

Traditionelle :dimanche Best in show male 3/6 mois jugee avec les poils court. 

Bravo youngs for the first one taken out in exhibition you worked well!
Thanks to Jack and Coco to like and to expose perfectly both youngs



Here are Nobody Perfect Erone's résulats of my friends Jack and Coco
Bravo for Erone!!! Congratulation


Samedi tica

M-M De Landtsheer (B)  3 best cat

Tomoko Vlach (A)            Best cat

M-F Dendauw (F)           7 best cat

Thomas Andersen (DK)    best cat

Eduardo Borras (ES)       4  best cat 

Traditionelle :samedi Best in show male adulte 

Dimanche tica

 M-M De Landtsheer (B)  4 best cat

Tomoko Vlach (A)           best cat

M-F Dendauw (F)           5 best cat

Thomas Andersen (DK)    2 best cat

Eduardo Borras (ES)        3 best cat

Irene Van Belzen (NL)     6 best cat


Traditionelle : dimanche:best varieté, Best in show male ,best of best!!!!!!!!!!!

Bravo Erone


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